Earthquake Warning – March 2, 2013
Posted by EQF on March 02, 2013 at 15:06:43:

Earthquake Warning – March 2, 2013

Large numbers of low intensity EM Signals were detected on March 1, 2013. And that is usually a sign that a powerful earthquake is getting ready to occur. The most likely area would be in the Western Pacific Ocean stretching from Japan to Indonesia to the Solomon Islands.

The last time this happened was just before those recent powerful Solomon Islands area earthquakes. Prior to that this happened before two powerful Japan area earthquakes.

Going back further in time, large number of low intensity EM Signals like that were detected starting around July of 2010 and continuing even after the extremely powerful March 11, 2011 earthquake in the Japan area. That is the only time I can recall when low intensity signals were detected like that for more than a few weeks straight.

These low intensity signals that are shown as em1 data lines on Chart B on the Web page listed below are believed to be generated by microfractures in fault zones that are getting ready to shatter. Because those signals can be generated constantly throughout the day it is difficult or impossible for my computer programs to get a fix on the location of the fault zone. If a detection method were used that had a directional capability then the signals would probably all be pointing to the same area. They last only about 0.25 seconds each and would likely be tricky to detect using most technologies.

Other data on Chart A and some of the Chart B data could probably be used to tell where the fault zone is located. Areas around 140 E are presently appearing strongly on Chart A.

If there is something powerful headed for the Western Pacific Ocean area then there should be detectable activity with Pavel's and Shan's forecasting method. Amit Dave might also have a high probability date somewhere around March 2, 2013.

These are personal opinions.

Follow Ups:
     ● Update - March 4, 2013 - EQF  12:15:58 - 3/4/2013  (100396)  (1)
        ● Re: Update - March 4, 2013 - EQF  12:19:12 - 3/4/2013  (100397)  (0)
     ● Re: Earthquake Warning – March 2, 2013 - Roger Hunter  16:26:03 - 3/2/2013  (100389)  (1)
        ● Re: Earthquake Warning – March 2, 2013 - Roger Hunter  11:01:36 - 3/4/2013  (100394)  (1)
           ● Re: Earthquake Warning – March 2, 2013 - EQF  12:08:07 - 3/4/2013  (100395)  (1)
              ● Energy Matters - March 4, 2013 - EQF  13:19:24 - 3/4/2013  (100400)  (0)