Jeanine - Here's the web-site for USGS & others |
HI Jeanine!! I feel bad you're having so many symptoms! Right now and for the past hour I have been having dizziness almost like being sea sick, and not feeling quite right. Its no Fun. But then when I think about Diane, and the symptoms her poor body carries for the world, I don't complain! Anyway.....here's the USGS site with links to other sites as well and some good reading! http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/ I know Canie and Diane and others have other sites to add to this list as well, but this will start you off, you'll see the USGS map and eq list for all eq's over the last week and then some. As Julia Childs would say..."Bon Apetite!" :-) Dyan Follow Ups: ● Re: Jeanine - Here's the web-site for USGS & others - Jeanine 04:42:32 - 10/21/1999 (900555) (0) |