Where to find Up to Date/Min.by Min. Info. for EQ!
Posted by Dyan {winston[010AT16]garlic[10DOT160]com} on October 16, 1999 at 13:04:55:

Hi Diane & All!

Took me awhile, but found the List in its entire context up to this very moment!!

Go to this site: http://www.seismo.unr.edu/ht docs/recent.html Then scroll down the page until you get to Recent Events.....and hit So. Calif. the List will pop up and you will see all the quakes since yesterday.

There were 13 small quakes before the 7.3 hit!

Diane, the 5.8 and 5.0 are in this list.

Hope this helps. Had to go to University of Reno/LV to get this information!

Bye :-)
