Far-field aftershock forecast for Alaska Mw>=6.5
Posted by Lowell on July 28, 2001 at 02:39:28:
Note for readers of this board: It is interesting to note that many of the earthquakes in the eastern U.S. that have occurred over the past 3 days fall in a narrow band between 47 and 50 degrees from this epicenter. These include the events at New Madrid, North Carolina/Kentucky, New York and Ontario. Was there a precursory relationship as was previously discussed in regard to the larger earthquake in Alaska in 1964 (see posts # 8390-8416 July 9, 2001 in Archives)? That earthquake occurred near today's epicenter to the Northeast. ALASKA FAR-FIELD AFTERSHOCK FORECAST JULY 28, 2001 Current parameters for this event are (times are local ADT):
27Jul2001 11:32:43 59.1N 155.1W MS=6.5 NEIS SOUTHERN ALASKA 27JUL2001 11:32:44 58.8N 154.8W ML=5.5 AEIC NW of Kodiak, Alaska 27JUL2001 11:32:44 58.6N 154.7W MS=6.4 ATWC NW of Kodiak, Alaska 27JUL2001 23:32:43 59.1N 155.1W MB=6.0 NEIS SOUTHERN ALASKA
The earthquake is initially focused at a hypocenter about 130 km deep in a sparsely populated area so damage and injuries are considered unlikely at this time. The earthquake was felt at Yakutat, Palmer and Sutton, Alaska. The Alaska Tsunami warning Center tsunami bulletin indicates a tsunami is unlikely except as a landslide tsunami in local areas. See: http://wcatwc.gov/message.txt Although a Mw 6.5 earthquake is normally too small to produce wide-spread far-field triggering, regional triggering is possible. Following is a preliminary far-field forecast from this event. Areas within 36 km are expected to see maximum magnitudes increase by 0.4-0.7 units, at distances farther than this, increases in maximum magnitude are expected to be about 0.5 units or less. Seismicity is expected to increase in these areas for the next 4 days (i.e. through 1 August, 2001): 9-10 degrees: Queen Charlotte Island, Fox Islands, Aleutians (Unalaska Isl) 17-19 degrees: Vancouver Island, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, Andreanoff Islands, Aleutians (around 177-179W) 34-36 degrees: Central Kuril Isl. Southern California 43-45 degrees: Coast of Jalisco, Mexico, Kentucky/Tennessee, upstate New York, southern Hokkaido, Japan 59-61 degrees: Guatemala/Mexico border, Bermuda, Cuba, North Atlantic Ocean, Kyushu, Japan, 71-73 degrees: Panama, Virgin Islands, Taiwan, France, Central China 103-106 degrees***: South of Sumatera (100-106E), Cook Strait area New Zealand, Ethiopia, Southern Peru/Bolivia (about 18S) Note that this earthquake in Alaska occurred at 104 degrees from the Peru events and was expected in the far-field aftershock forecast from those events as a Ml>5 event at: "103-106 degrees***: Alaska Peninsula" 142-146 degrees: South Africa, South Sandwich Islands area?? 176-180 degrees: South of Africa (Aseismic area 59.0S 25.0E)