Re: On the importance of mag.
Posted by Roger Hunter on December 29, 2012 at 07:07:39:


That's a different subject.

Forecasts of that sort are to point out possible problem areas. if you're planning a city, it's nice to know that if you build HERE, there's a chance it will be destroyed in so many years.

But if you say there may be a mag 7 quake tomorrow, what good is that? Even if you're right, no action can be taken without knowing where it will happen.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: On the importance of mag. - Amit  01:29:16 - 12/30/2012  (80949)  (1)
        ● Re: On the importance of mag. - Roger Hunter  07:02:39 - 12/30/2012  (80950)  (0)