Posted by Island Chris on November 30, 2012 at 08:24:12:
The linked stuff can be read free online. I have not read it, but read a summary and it looks of interest to people on the west coast USA. An interesting location from my experience is Isla Vista, California. It is the densely-populated community next to UCSB. The water front houses are at top of rapidly-eroding sea cliff. From memory, the rate of cliff retreat is something like a foot a year (a meter in a couple of years). This is from wave erosion. Relative sea level rise does not help. But, UCSB is above rather active thrust faults. The uplift rate is about 2 mm/yr long term, which would occur during quakes. A M7 thrust quake could uplift the coast a meter, and cause the water near the coast to be shallower by that much, with waves breaking farther out, and less wave energy onto the cliffs. If I owned or lived in one of those houses, though, I'd not wish for such a quake as some of the houses would probably end up in the water from the ground motion, or damaged in other ways. Chris