Part of the iceberg? - October 28, 2012
Posted by EQF on October 28, 2012 at 06:44:46:

Here is another question.

Was that earthquake a "part of the iceberg" (versus the "tip of the iceberg")?

In other words, with so much strain being released in that one area, is it likely that strain will be transferred to some other location along that fault zone where large amounts of strain have already accumulated causing that other section to go "over the edge" resulting in another powerful earthquake in the near future?

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Part of the iceberg? - October 28, 2012 - Beth  12:21:01 - 10/28/2012  (80488)  (1)
        ● Re: Part of the iceberg? - October 28, 2012 - EQF  16:18:41 - 10/28/2012  (80491)  (2)
           ● Geology News Report for that area - October 29, 2012 - EQF  17:51:24 - 10/29/2012  (80495)  (0)
           ● Re: Part of the iceberg? - October 28, 2012 - Roger Hunter  17:56:00 - 10/28/2012  (80492)  (1)
              ● the meaning of "earthquakes can't be predicted" - Skywise  19:47:50 - 10/28/2012  (80493)  (1)
                 ● Re: the meaning of "earthquakes can't be predicted" - Roger Hunter  20:27:34 - 10/28/2012  (80494)  (0)