Re: Sulfur smell in LA
Posted by Tony on September 11, 2012 at 09:42:03:

Wow. Santa Clarita has become seriously impacted in terms of crowding. Where it used to take 10 minutes to get across town, it now takes a good 30 minutes. The benefits to living here are the proximity to the wild lands to the north and the lack of June gloom. But, after many, many years, there's still little to do here in terms of restaurants, culture, etc. The city council has steadfastly doused any cultural expansion beyond the cowboy mentality. At least in this climate,I get to garden year round.

It's interesting to see the activity of the Towsley Canyon bubblers from time to time. Some people feel there's a correlation between the activity and seismic stress. Who's to say?

I was here for the 1994 Northridge Quake. For days afterward, we would watch the dust come off of the hills to the south and brace for the coming aftershock. It was quite a time.
