PREDICTION - Earthquake Forecast For Coeur d'Alene area, ID
Posted by Don in Hollister on June 14, 2001 at 22:43:18:

Magnitude: 2.0-3.0
From: 06/18/2001 - To: 06/23/2001
Location: Coeur d'Alene area, ID
Lat: 47.257N - Long: 116.281W - Range: 40

Hi All. The old tummy is rumbling tonight so I listened to it to see if it was trying to tell me something. Getting mixed signals. Not sure if its something I ate, or something I’m going to eat. Mainly my words.

Looking for a 2.0Md to a 3.0Md at 47.257N/116.281W in the Coeur d'Alene area, ID on 06/20/2001. Radius 40K starting on 06/18/2001 through 06/23/2001. Take Care…Don in creepy town.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Earthquake Forecast For Coeur d'Alene area, ID  - Don in Hollister  22:56:58 - 6/14/2001  (8024)  (0)