I Think So Re: I dun tink so....& NOT
Posted by mark on June 12, 2001 at 21:20:28:

Studying a phenomena involves a data gathering process followed by hypothesis formulation followed by correlation testing...followed by maybe a better hypothesis and so on...

Sometimes the hypothesis formulation stage rests on a few onservations / coincidences which may or may not lead to a successful outcome / theory /success. In medical science Somebody noticed that people who work with sheep never get a particular kind of a disease...which lead eventually to "the vaccination"....

Regarding the solar/anti-solar idea...there is evidence supporting this theme area to a degree or so. For somebody to reject a study of this area ...maybe because they personally could not make heads nor tails of it...is fine...but to try and cast a negative shadow over anybody else following up such evidence for whatever reason ...is not very scientific...and is more "status quo" than anything.

Every discovery in science was first built up upon a store of evidence sometimes gathered piece by piece and sometimes gathered in bushels...it was almost never gathered in the midst of NaySayers...and the "Can't Be Done'rs"....

So I say for those who want to stay on the beaten path...be my guest since you know where you will end up already...

Whereas for those who might strive to leave the beaten path and maybe blaze a new trail...we'll...hey I'm with you there!

