Posted by heartland chris on September 29, 2011 at 05:27:19:

I watched two Novas on PBS last night. First, I really really do not want to see seismologist of geologist or whatever he is Roger Bilham flying in helicopters over earthquake zones. I don't want to see him walking down streets full of collapsed houses (Haiti). He should be banned from earthquake zones. He has nothing informative to say.

The first one was on the Japan quake. Any of you would have learned nothing from this. The second one was on the tsunami. Again, very little science content, but this one was more interesting just for the survival stories.

Nova used to do better, but that was 20 and 30 years ago (and I knew less, so the bar for me was lower). But, Nova should be educating the non scientist public and I have doubts about whether it is doing this. Discovery Channel/Science Channel seems to do better.
