The latest on bogus prediction
Posted by heartland chris on September 07, 2011 at 16:16:22:

Hi all,
I'm posting this sort of as a joke and sort of as a lesson on what to not take seriously. I was curious what "Dr." Boylan would post when his Appalachian quakes did not occur. Hmm, guess I should be careful about calling people loons, so I'll let the reader judge for themselved whether he is a loon. I clipped the below from his website.


"My latest reading is that by mid-day Saturday, Sept. 10, the Cabal earthquake-engineering devices will no longer be able to hold back the massive release of pent-up energy within the tectonic plate underneath the Appalachians any longer.
And thus, on Saturday, sometime between 11 am and 2 pm EDT local time (more likely during the time period 1:15-1:45 pm EDT), a massive magnitude 10.0 Mega-Quake will occur. "

Follow Ups:
     ● Psychic Phenomena and the Science of Parapsychology – September 8, 2011 - EQF  22:16:34 - 9/8/2011  (79210)  (1)
        ● who do you believe? - John Vidale  10:42:59 - 9/9/2011  (79211)  (0)