Posted by EQF on August 15, 2011 at 12:12:27:
Their forecasting procedure can probably generate good results. However, they appear to me to be having trouble with learning how to evaluate their data. Also, I have not been impressed with their organization’s sense of direction. They do appear to be one of the most successful groups around the world with getting publicity. At least several times a year they are in the news. And it looks like they have quite a few sensors in different countries. However, I believe that those sensors have a fairly limited range. So, earthquakes out in the ocean and ones in remote areas where they don’t have sensors might not be visible to them. One danger sign might be the fact that they appear to me to be looking for donations so that they can continue their efforts. If a project does not have enough support to make it on its own then it might run into serious problems. The link that you have listed for that report might not work with some browsers. It doesn't work with mine. If it does not work then you can go to Yahoo and do a search of the news for "earthquake." And a link for the report should appear on the top page or one of the following ones. That link should work. Remember to search "news" sites and not "Web" sites.