Posted by Don in Hollister on May 26, 2001 at 07:31:11:
Hi Daniel. Long time no hear. So how is this old world treating you? One of the very first things I did when I learned of the "bulge" was to run a quake check of the area. I used the NEIC and PNSN catalogs. I didn't find one single quake that could be said to a associated with the bulge. I'm not saying there should have been a lot of quake activity in that area, but not to have one single quake in the area of the bulge is kind of hard for me to understand, or accept. The recent activity near Mammoth Lakes is in the area of Hilton Creek. About a year, or so ago I got a good argument started between two friends in which one thought the activity in the area was associated with the birth of new volcano, while the other though it was making of a new dike. I think they are still friends, but I don't bring up the subject about that specific area anymore where the two of them are concerned. While I'm not the best in reading seismograms I do feel that this most recent activity near Mammoth Lakes is tectonic as opposed to volcanic. If these quakes were inside the caldera and more in the area of the resurgent dome I would be a lot more concerned. You're right about the magma one day poking its head up out of a crack, but I don't see it doing that in the very near future. Now watch. Having said that we are going to get one large quake making me eat my words. The way me luck is that could happen. I tried to open the link you posted, but had no luck. Good to hear from you again. Take Care…Don in creepy town