Re: comment on EQF post
Posted by Canie on January 27, 2010 at 11:11:17:

Hi Chris - I have to admit, listening (reading) to EQF for more years than I care to admit (13? 14?) I have to admit there's been some progress.

In all reality, He has good intentions - he has taken and written something tangible with correlating data and coming up with possible locations.

I think the data goes beyond eartones - there are actually EM signals being measured in some manner I think which is a better precursor - I don't hold much faith in eartones personally.

He doesn't specify a location, but now there's a graphic with possible locations - I think this is progress - I would even venture to say if precursors were reported to him, then a more specific location could be surmised. I assume that any type of precursor data could now be plugged into his program and it would only help to pinpoint a location.

I'll be the first to admit it would be a pleasant surprise to get a prediction stating location, time frame and magnitude..

At least he's attempting to correlate data - it may work - it may not - but he needs a public place to have the info posted for testing all this.

Let's let him test (or continue to test) - without being stoned to death...


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     ● Re: comment on EQF post-Canie - heartland chris  11:18:42 - 1/27/2010  (76535)  (0)