Latest Forecast Data and Successes January 5, 2010
Posted by EQF on January 05, 2010 at 10:22:46:

Chart A on the Data.html Web page has been updated.

So many of our powerful earthquakes are now appearing as Time Window longitude line peaks on Chart A that it is not even possible to keep track of them. It would take too long.

The two latest significant earthquakes or groups of earthquakes were the very powerful ones in the Solomon Islands that occurred around 157 E. And to my surprise, a strong peak also appeared around 71 E where that recent destructive Tajikistan earthquake occurred. The earthquake was not that powerful

2010/01/03 22:36:28 8.80S 157.37E 25 7.2 Solomon Islands
2010/01/02 02:15:12 38.24N 71.49E 45 5.3 Tajikistan

On December 27, 2009 I circulated an earthquake note to researchers around the world recommending that they check for possible approaching seismic activity around 71 E. And the Tajikistan earthquake at that longitude reportedly destroyed something like 1000 houses. 20,000 people were reportedly left homeless.

The following are the Chart A data for December 28, 2009 that are still stored on my Data.html Web page. You can easily see the strong peaks at 71 E and 157 E.

The following are the latest Chart A data. No strong EM Signals have been detected lately.