Re: sorry, I just couldn't resist either
Posted by Barbara on September 15, 2009 at 20:16:41:

If you have all these opinions of FOX and of Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, then surely you must have tuned in to FOX and their shows at some time in order to form those opinions.

However, describing Glenn Beck as loud-mouthed is far from the truth (Bill O'Reilly can be described that way sometimes though). And to call Sean Hannity a coward? Based upon what??? So it makes me wonder if you have never actually watched FOX.

Sounds to me like you are just echoing the liberal talking points. You should actually tune in -- you might actually learn something -- like how to think for yourself -- and find out that FOX is not at all about hate and ignorance. They actually are very fair and balnaced.

The most vitriolic talk shows that I have ever seen are on MSNBC -- Keith Olbermann, Chris Mathews -- and yes, I actually watched them to form that opinion. The hate speech that emanates from their mouths is disgusting. That is probably why FOX News is consistently rated #1 and MSNBC is rated #28.
