Posted by heartland chris on October 31, 2008 at 07:34:05:
Mike, Most of what you mention does not bother quote was very much out of context. Climate scientists use deg C, and the CEO talk was given in England. I'd have to go back and check the text, which may be only part of the presentation in England, to whether or not he addresses future warming. I was only quoting the "without question" part. The next line after those quotes is: "The burning of fossil fuels and changes in land use are significant sources of CO2 emission". In what I quoted before, he said that many global ecosystems are showing signs of warming. I actually have some problems myself with saying that all regions are warming: some areas have warmed more than 0.7 deg, probably the Canadian and Alaskan Artic have warmed (much) more than that (although last winter was cold), so some areas must not have warmed as much, and some may have cooled (just using logic, not checking). On the other hand, I agree that the easy to find climate statement on the company's web site by a VP is the minimum and I said that in an email to someone at ExxonMobil. I said there was nothing really wrong with that website (from 2007), but given what they are accused of doing, it was inadequate. Part of the reason I posted this is that I have talked to geologists that do not believe that CO2 has anything to do with warming. The CEO made at least an effort to put a stop to that nonsense. The problem is that it was pretty obscure where they put that statement: it is not featured. Chris