Re: Fires in Northern California
Posted by Cathryn on June 28, 2008 at 14:15:48:

Sorry it is smoky where you live. Shasta, right? Yes, we don't even see the fire damage from our house. We were lucky. Without that change in wind, we were right in line for the fire to come our way. Am very thankful that we were spared, though feel terrible for the ten families who lost everything and even worse for the animals who burned to death.

I'm currently having our wild grass weed whacked (we're on five acres), our trees limbed up, some dead ones cut down and some living ones removed from near our house. Doing what I can to provide a defensible perimeter.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Fires in Northern California - Canie  21:21:36 - 6/29/2008  (74126)  (1)
        ● Thanks Canie (NT) - Cathryn  13:56:46 - 6/30/2008  (74136)  (0)
     ● Re: Fires in Northern California - PennyB  11:48:40 - 6/29/2008  (74124)  (0)