Roger...Sumatra graph for you? |
Are you there Roger? I'm a little curious whether or not there might be a strain transient of some sort for Sumatra since the recent M8.4 and 7.9 (I think that is the term John V. used some time ago for Gulf of California... There was a M5 quake north of 4 deg N, and the ones that Shan noticed were around 3 and 3 1/2 N. I guess we have to wait and see if there is any pattern in the next few days of quakes along that plate boundary (say, M4.5+) appearing farther north. Then we have to figure out if I am seeing patterns where there are none (again?). I think I posted that there was also a quake south of the M8.4 south of latitude 7, but that was far to the east...not on this subduction zone... Follow Ups: ● Re: Roger...Sumatra graph for you? - Roger Hunter 22:21:16 - 10/1/2007 (72725) (1) ● Re: Roger...Sumatra graph for you? - heartland chris 07:07:42 - 10/2/2007 (72726) (0) |