Re: M4.5 west(?) of Northridge
Posted by Steve on August 10, 2007 at 18:09:29:

OK. I was just repeating the postulation for peer review ;)
I generally work on dimensions in feet and inches, not miles.
Thanks for that info.
As a BTW-A gent I work with lives within a few miles of the epicenter, and he stated that there was a sharp vertical component, with very little horizontal. Since it is in the same area as the Northridge 94 event, is this a similar event, with the vertical component being more substantial than the horizontal component?
Oh, and Mike, could you explain the beach ball tensor a little better than USGS.
I have read it, but my head (which usually is great at spatial perception) can't seem to translate the planes and orientation with fault movement.
Thanks in advance.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: M4.5 west(?) of Northridge - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  23:02:43 - 8/10/2007  (72388)  (1)
        ● focal mechanism - heartland chris  07:23:48 - 8/11/2007  (72390)  (1)
           ● Re: focal mechanism - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  11:05:42 - 8/11/2007  (72392)  (1)
              ● Q. for Mike - Cathryn  22:30:52 - 8/11/2007  (72398)  (1)
                 ● mental gymnastics - heartland chris  07:15:42 - 8/12/2007  (72403)  (1)
                    ● Re: mental gymnastics - Cathryn  13:40:08 - 8/12/2007  (72409)  (0)