Re: Earthquake forecasts online - A Little Clarity
Posted by Roger Hunter on May 01, 2001 at 04:40:37:

In general I would agree with you on this but in Jim's case I believe he is either dishonest or deluded.

He's too good a scientist to not know his method is wrong. And he persists in it even when he's shown to be wrong. Not only that, he will claim credit for quakes outside his predicted parameters just to boost his score.

I'll grant he's not making much off of this and he's doing good work in increasing public awareness with his talks. But some of his flock believe his every word and that's just wrong.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Earthquake forecasts online - A Little Clarity - michael  15:43:46 - 5/1/2001  (7236)  (3)
        ● Re: Earthquake forecasts online - A Little Clarity - Roger Hunter  17:21:14 - 5/1/2001  (7241)  (0)
        ● Re: Earthquake forecasts online - A Little Clarity - Roger Hunter  17:18:47 - 5/1/2001  (7239)  (1)
           ● Sorry, duplicate. Time lag in refresh - Roger Hunter  17:24:06 - 5/1/2001  (7242)  (0)
        ● Re: Earthquake forecasts online - A Little Clarity - Lowell  16:09:14 - 5/1/2001  (7237)  (1)
           ● Roger and JOB - michael  10:34:52 - 5/2/2001  (7266)  (1)
              ● Re: Roger and JOB - Lowell  10:57:48 - 5/2/2001  (7269)  (1)
                 ● Re: Roger and JOB - Roger Hunter  12:33:55 - 5/2/2001  (7282)  (1)
                    ● Outrage - michael  15:51:04 - 5/2/2001  (7314)  (1)
                       ● Re: Outrage - Roger Hunter  16:24:32 - 5/2/2001  (7330)  (0)