Movies for Drunk Geoscientists
Posted by Mary Antonelli on July 19, 2007 at 22:04:47:

In the interest of livening things up, and since I am taking a break from packing up my house, I cheerfully propose that we compile a list of movies (theater, cable, or made-for tv) that one would have to be at least a bit tipsy in order to watch.

The ones that come to mind immediately, because I don't have enough alcohol in the house to watch and stay sane:

10.5 Apocalypse

Let's see how many bad geologically themed disaster movies there are.

Maybe I'll start a thread on books later this summer. :-)


Follow Ups:
     ● Great idea! - PennyB  14:59:21 - 7/20/2007  (72210)  (1)
        ● Re: Great idea! - Cathryn  20:44:21 - 7/20/2007  (72217)  (3)
           ● Liked "Volcano" - PennyB  10:13:17 - 7/23/2007  (72280)  (0)
           ● no prize... - Mary Antonelli  12:20:07 - 7/21/2007  (72248)  (0)
           ● Re: Great idea! - Canie  21:09:56 - 7/20/2007  (72222)  (1)
              ● Re: Great idea! - Cathryn  06:19:05 - 7/21/2007  (72234)  (0)
     ● Re: Movies for Drunk Geoscientists - Cathryn  08:56:39 - 7/20/2007  (72207)  (0)