PREDICTION - Parkfield-Old Method Prediction.
Posted by Steve on July 09, 2007 at 08:03:30:

Magnitude: 3-5 ml
From: 060907/0000/PDT - To: 062307/0000/PDT
Location: Parkfield
Lat: 36.037 - Long: 120.621 - Range: 50-75 km

When I was a kid, my mom used to say, "When Coalina starts to shake, an earthquake is going to happen at Parkfield."
Based on the 4 quakes near Coalinga and Avenal, I expect a 3-5 ml within 2 weeks.
This is for entertainment, based on the fact that it uses "The old wives tale" method.
Have a great week.
Skywise, I'll get back to you with the results of that seismic switch troubleshooting.