Re: From The Far Side ESP Mental Telepathy EQ Senstives & More
Posted by Canie on April 18, 2001 at 08:34:44:

I also believe in the paranormal arena - too many things all happen to just be coincidence. Mostly I try to listen to that inner voice and trust what it says becuase it is invariably right. Its the one that suggests you do something for which there appears to be no logical basis or common sensical reason to do but once done you seen the advantage of having followed thru. Maybe that's called intuition or just being an excellect Girl Scout.

I also have that connection with family and friends - My mother was in danger of dying and I couldn't get her off my mind - then an Aunt called and said that my mom was not answering her phone so I drove the 50 miles without hesitation to see what was going on - If I hadn't gotten to her, in a couple more hours she would have been dead. Its been nearly 4 years since that incident.

And there are many more - I think you just need to be quiet within yourself to be able to 'hear' what may be going on around you. And you also need to trust yourself and follow thru on that inner voice. I try to keep my mind clear of things - make lists so you don't have to keep reminding yourself what to get at the store - make daily to do lists to free up more of that thought space - write the things going thru your head down so that your conscious mind gets free of the daily stuff and can listen to what may be inspiration. Many good ideas have come thru this way.
