Jane..Heartland wife heard that various EPA libraries were being closed, partly because the .pdfs of reports (or whatever) were going to be available on-line. The problem is that some of these are not available. This is getting to be third-hand information, so might want to check that it is true. H.W. may have seen this on the internet or the news, or may have heard it at AGU talking to friends. Someone might want to check if reports with conclusions or data about global warming are being suppressed. As for the USGS, the realy shot at them was during the Clinton administration, but by Republican congress. As for budgets...well, when we spend so much of our Federal $ on tax cuts and Iraq, there have to be cuts somewhere. Our Congress needs to undo the tax cuts, but that is hard politically to do, for Democrats or Republicans. Follow Ups: ● Cut spending, don't increase taxes - Barbara 10:09:44 - 12/17/2006 (61253) (3) ● Re: Cut spending, don't increase taxes - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande 06:04:54 - 12/18/2006 (61278) (1) ● Re: Cut spending, don't increase taxes - Barbara 07:41:51 - 12/18/2006 (61279) (2) ● Re: Cut spending, don't increase taxes - Roger Hunter 09:07:21 - 12/18/2006 (61285) (0) ● Re: Cut spending, don't increase taxes - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande 09:07:15 - 12/18/2006 (61284) (1) ● Re: Cut spending, don't increase taxes - Barbara 07:43:56 - 12/20/2006 (61335) (2) ● Re: Cut spending, don't increase taxes - Canie 22:37:13 - 12/24/2006 (61467) (0) ● Re: Cut spending, don't increase taxes - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande 08:50:50 - 12/20/2006 (61336) (0) ● Re: Cut spending, don't increase taxes - Skywise 01:27:25 - 12/18/2006 (61271) (0) ● OT Re: Cut spending, don't increase taxes - heartland chris 15:00:53 - 12/17/2006 (61257) (0) ● Re: EPA - Jane 09:56:18 - 12/17/2006 (61252) (0) |