Posted by David on March 16, 2001 at 01:23:03:

Thanks Roger. Great information.

Are these the reports you are talking about:

If so, doesn't that in fact indicate that there is something to looking at probabilities of locations? I'll have to take more time to review the information, but from what I can see so far, a lot of people might be interested in looking at these reports. It is great that it is in public access. Most people probably don't know about it though.

From just skimming over the information, it appears to indicate that there are areas more probable than others. In some cases, much more probable. Now how to combine that data with something else to get a better indication of timing? Do you have any ideas of things to try. Even if just a wild notion, since you already know about what has been done, at least we could be working on something new.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Algermissen - David  01:52:34 - 3/16/2001  (6026)  (1)
        ● Re: Algermissen - Roger Hunter  14:12:51 - 3/16/2001  (6060)  (0)