Re: Predict
Posted by Todd on March 02, 2001 at 20:52:08:


You pose very valid questions, and I see where you are coming from, but this board overall is very educational and the people who contribute are really on the ball. Please don't get this board mixed w/ JOB's board where there are people throwing out predictions left and right just because, "they had a feeling for anywhere in CA." People on this board truley contribute what they know and think and it is never hocus pocus. Are their failures? Of course, but people aren't on here claiming to be prophets either. Do people stand by their predictions here and give credible reasons for their forecasts? Absolutely!
I see your point in wanting this full out list that will match predictions against misses, and with a small minority of people here that predict daily, that may be warranted, but other people, like Dennis, if they are interested, don't need to be held to that standard. Whenever they speak, the have really good things to say. Don't make this a mechanical board where everyone is thrown against a hit or miss list and made to feel inadequate if they don't succeed. The truth is, they are succeeding in sharing their thoughts, and the day a big one hits somewhere, I guarantee you that if you go back to the archives board, you will see a year's worth of posts that will have discussed the particular area that was hit, and boy will that be a detailed prediction!

Follow Ups:
     ● Predict - michael  13:00:56 - 3/5/2001  (5780)  (0)