N.I.C.E. activity ceases...
Posted by martin@n.i.c.e. on January 19, 2001 at 11:32:43:

...for a while, just not having fun with you guys right now, is it really me?Sorry but this ain't much fun. Notice Cathryn left too? Accuracy sure but outright volley after volley sinks ships. Blub Blub Blub...mb Was fun.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: N.I.C.E. activity ceases... - Canie  12:19:25 - 1/19/2001  (4679)  (1)
        ● Re: N.I.C.E.@ twice chance accuracy easy... - martin  12:42:06 - 1/19/2001  (4680)  (0)
     ● Re: N.I.C.E. activity ceases...ps. Santa Cruz- - martin   11:54:02 - 1/19/2001  (4674)  (2)
        ● Re: N.I.C.E...ps. Santa Cruz- - martin@n.i.c.e.  14:24:20 - 1/19/2001  (4683)  (0)
        ● good for you - Dennis Gentry of Santa Clarita  12:04:40 - 1/19/2001  (4677)  (0)