Re: Quake WAS in Window!
Posted by martin@n.i.c.e. on January 12, 2001 at 13:26:52:

Early hours of eleventh Jan U.T.C. Translates to the tenth local time at 4:04 p.m. P.S.T....Precise window hit.
Now we have that clarified, this IS 100% accurate which I owe in part to the urging of critical reviewers. I did what you requested,and sure am glad.( Even though we don't always see eye to eye Roger) I could do this type of accurate post all the time if I owned a computer instead of having to pay or borrow computer time. The more positive reviews we get the better chance of a break in some form of funding. I say we not because I have split personality disorder, but because I recognize all contributions by our research crew (YOU GUYS!) and won't forget to acknowledge that when the significance of the theories behind N.I.C.E. research are recognized by the BIG GUNS.
Above board personal income of n.i.c.e. forecaster-$7500.00 canadian/yr.
Cost of research by n.i.c.e.-$12000.00 yr 2000
Contriutions total to n.i.c.e. research ~30 cups of coffee, 3 dinners from interested persons(and a few loans of printer ink and paper to the tune of $120.00 by my friend and daughters mom Shannon) You can be QUITE SURE that I appreciate the kudos! Thanks everyone, I love you all and want to be sure we are as safe as we can be in the future...mb.
Thanks to SPECTRUM computer center and
MOM! Rhonda, you'll see! Love you too!

Follow Ups:
     ● Window - Michael  13:47:24 - 1/12/2001  (4511)  (1)
        ● Re:G.S.O.C. event listed 10th jan... - martin  15:38:32 - 1/12/2001  (4514)  (1)
           ● NEIC - Michael  20:19:59 - 1/12/2001  (4516)  (1)
              ● Re:Universal time/P.D.Savings time - martin@n.i.c.e.  13:29:36 - 1/13/2001  (4522)  (0)