Re: Quakes Near Utah-Could be Bombing?
Posted by Petra Challus on October 19, 2000 at 23:33:14:

Hi Martin,

You're right about those quake swarms in Utah, they happen frequently, but not usually so many at once.

I guess you didn't know Don was an MIB. With his help, I've learned a lot about people. I am a trained investigator, but his experience was a lot different than mine. When looking a people who work in geo-sciences as a certain class, then when looking at occupational trends, it is quite interesting. So far, these trends are as follows:

1. They usually marry someone they knew in their everyday life in their communities, or someone they met in college.
2. They are not prone to drinking, but many are smokers.
3. There are very few scandals connected with them.
4. Though their incomes are not very high, they are given a respect level equal to high income bracketed people.
5. They are very social, like to drink socially, love to travel and most like dogs and some cats.
6. They are very into sports and working in an environment with mostly men, sports is a hot topic of conversation.
7. The rate of divorce is low. Though more interested in their work than family, they are dedicated husbands and fathers.

Of course like all occupational classes, there are some who don't fit this description at all.
