Re: Censored and Offended?
Posted by Canie on April 25, 2006 at 09:13:00:

The original canned program, that this board is based on, came with those words and that programming in it...I have not changed it - and the FCC does have rules about certain words that can't be broadcast - probably why the reference to the US Congress.. I privately sent you those words that are not allowed - there is no reason to use them here.

Sorry you are offended.. And you are right - this is a private board.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Censored and Offended? - Mary C.  12:11:57 - 4/25/2006  (36613)  (0)
     ● Re: Censored and Offended? - PennyB  10:27:02 - 4/25/2006  (36608)  (1)
        ● Re: Censored and Offended? - Cathryn  13:05:38 - 4/25/2006  (36614)  (0)