Guilty as Charged
Posted by Glen on April 24, 2006 at 15:27:18:


I have finally overcome the difference between its, and it's. I had so much trouble with "Don's" and "Dons'" that I just say "Dons" now. I did overcome the "i" before "e" thingy. I'm like Petra, I was a dyslexic child. Still am. I do get by. I have people read all my important messages (written). I still have problems with double affirmatives and negatives though. Kind like,

"I expect the activity on the San Jacinto fault to create more active seismicity in the Salton Trough". Theres another problem. Quotes. Should it be
." or ". I can't remember.

Thanx for any help..

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Guilty as Charged - Cathryn  16:19:38 - 4/24/2006  (36587)  (2)
        ● Re: Guilty as Charged - Glen  17:28:11 - 4/24/2006  (36598)  (0)
        ● Re: Guilty as Charged - Canie  16:38:07 - 4/24/2006  (36589)  (1)
           ● Re: Guilty as Charged - Cathryn  16:55:57 - 4/24/2006  (36592)  (0)