And Life Springs Eternal
Posted by Petra on April 04, 2006 at 16:59:05:

Hi Cathryn,

You know what a ham I am when I get stuck in front of a camera and there is no way I'm going to miss Lotta's Fountain. My favorite gents are coming to be with me and I'm gonna love every minute of it times four. Ooooo what a girl lives for! I'm telling you since they started burning bras chivalry died. I long for the days of Southern gentility when the world seemed civilized. At least women wore great dresses and romance was in the air. Most people don't know what romance is but if one who is great looking squeezes your knee and looks you in the eye and says, "don't home tomorrow" you know there's probably more to it than a scientific field trip. Don't ask, he's gorgeous.


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