Re: What is the actual law. I'd like to look it up.
Posted by Skywise on March 13, 2006 at 01:06:17:

I understand what you are saying. But obviously certain texts of the law were used and interpreted to mean this. That's what I'm saying needs to be pointed out.

Any idea how we could find out?

What if some overzealous gov't official decides that everyone on this forum that predicts quakes for California are also breaking the law and decides to waste a bunch of taxpayer money going after us?

It's not out of the realm of possibility considering some of the stupid $&!^ people have been charged with in this state.

Or is there an exemption for "nutjobs" and "new age psychic whackos"? Do they only go after those who are serious scientific quake predictors? Perhaps the line is drawn at trying to turn a profit from said activities?


PS. The terms in quotes are not meant to insult or judge anyone. They are meant to represent the likely viewpoint of those in the government if they were to view the contents of a forum such as this and others.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: What is the actual law. I'd like to look it up. - Don in Hollister  01:52:57 - 3/13/2006  (34774)  (0)