A bit of a problem
Posted by Canie on February 22, 2006 at 08:28:12:

We had a bit of a problem last night when our disk usage went over the limit - several things occurred at once of course... including over 14,000 spam messages to the domains..

When it went over, the last person to attempt to post at 7:45 pm on the 21st got an error message (I'm assuming) and we lost the board file..as it erased it, but didn't re-write it. It costs $75 an hour to attempt to restore off a backup...

The messages still exist in the message directory.. and any predictions that were made are still there..and can be looked up.. just no board file pointing to the messages or the threads (and I can't rebuild it)

I'm sorry and I'm hoping it won't happen again - we've taken some steps to prevent the spam email from building up and are asking them to expand our disk availability (we are allowed 5GB, but they had only given us 1GB).


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: A bit of a problem-test - Canie  10:17:40 - 4/8/2006  (36001)  (0)
     ● Re: A bit of a problem - Steve  21:47:21 - 2/22/2006  (34147)  (1)
        ● Re: A bit of a problem - Canie  22:32:24 - 2/23/2006  (34209)  (1)
           ● Re: West Coast Prediction Issued for up to M 7 quake - Steve  15:21:50 - 2/25/2006  (34263)  (0)
     ● Re: A bit of a problem - Petra  17:56:49 - 2/22/2006  (34141)  (0)
     ● Re: A bit of a problem - Roger Hunter  09:04:22 - 2/22/2006  (34102)  (1)
        ● Re: A bit of a problem - marc / berkeley  09:33:13 - 2/22/2006  (34104)  (0)