Re: obfuscation?
Posted by Bob Shannon on June 13, 2000 at 12:00:47:

Ha! I knowed it....I do remember tho', you mentioned that Cal was the genesis of some of the things and they were proprietary........Maybe if I sign a non-disclosure:-) OK I give up.

To those who know not---Dennis and I have been doing this EQ prediction thing for a long time and at one time were in pretty good telephony contact. Can't speak for Den, but he has helped me over the years into refining my window frames. Actually Oliver dropped out because the radii method worked out much better than the radii which was easy for me to do.....The dif between Dennis and I is the method of securing precursors. The other main dif is that Den tends to have a much better hit rate in the long run... My rate was a fairly steady 68% for almost 2 years then took a nose-dive after inter-action with the groups.

Sorry to hear about Cal!!!

Follow Ups:
     ● well, thank you - Dennis Gentry of Santa Clarita  14:28:33 - 6/13/2000  (3105)  (0)