Re: Evaluating Predictions
Posted by Pat In Petaluma on May 30, 2000 at 13:05:35:


From what I've seen Geller is a straight line scientist with no desire to see earthquake prediction arrive anywhere by anyone. He doesn't believe its possible or that funding should be placed in this area. Read the Nature Debates, his point of view is well stated.

However, I would agree with him about preparedness issues. Until there is enough money to spread around, preparedness needs to be a common place everyday event for everyone. But who sets those priorities? The scientists first and the public second. How much money is spent every year on science projects vs preparedness? Millions.

My little Educators For Seismic Safety program is a private sector project but with staff available anywhere in the United States. Its free to anyone who wishes to have it. How difficult was it to get the support? Only two phone calls and I never needed to leave my office. Now once my back heals sufficiently so I can drive some distance on a routine basis, I'll be out there doing the education program that hopefully nets a couple dozen kids or a room full of adults learning how to survive a 7.0 and be ready.

You see it doesn't take millions of dollars to help people, it only takes people asking for those sponsorships from people of like mind. Those who have a sense of purpose and know its necessary. However, to get one to pick up the telephone and make those calls for safety is most difficult. They haven't got the time, the desire, the motivation, they just want to sit at home and not think about it.

A co-worker of mine gave me a special coffee cup for Christmas last year and on the side it says,
"Those who can, do. Those who can do more, teach."

I like it...Pat