Re: Dr. Shou/earthquake clouds/moving this back to toDr. Shou/earthquake clouds/moving this back to the top.
Posted by Todd on October 17, 2005 at 00:29:01:


What squabble? Who was affected? AND, why are you leaving for have done nothing wrong or have hurt anyone else. Pull a chair up and stay awhile. :)

Seriously though, this is an interesting topic you bring up. Something that happens to EVERYONE but is so rarely discussed. I find your questions to be very valid. Has it occured to you that perhaps he was very busy and just never found time to reply? OR it is possible that he is VERY sensitive and may have taken it the wrong way. THen that leaves the door open for more room for error, what kind of email to follow up on. If he wasn't sensitive and jsut too busy and you write to address that he would be thrown off, and if you didn't address it and he was offended then same thing.

It is very tough to say. I have to say though based on reading your posts over the years and never having met you I will say I can tell your intentions were good. Its one of those situations and it sounds so cliche but if he was teed off, then the hell w/ him. You meant nothing by it and life just goes on I guess. But it is easier for me to say than to be in your shoes.

I'm glad that you shared this story with us. I think it gives us ALL pause to think of times in our lives we have become close with someone and then that relationship disolves rather randomly and quickly for no good reason. Something is said, the other person and yourself becomes too busy, etc... it makes you wonder if all human relationships outside of family no matter how tight are indeed conditional and or temporary.

As for taking break from this board...why? Your input is always interesting. I enjoy reading what you have to say. Outside of the scientists on this board you hold your own rather well with us amateur buffs.
