Re: Molly Ivins' column-STOP BASHING NOW.
Posted by Canie on September 01, 2005 at 21:22:15:

OK - let's put this in perspective - that money that was chopped in JUNE couldn't have done didly for what happened last monday. It was tagged for a STUDY to determine how it could survive a cat 5 hurrincae... and to local engineering firms.. do you think that city could ever withstand what happened?

Prayers seemed to work to have the eye go east of the city, but then the levees broke.. we've been trying for a century to shore up and build the levees higher - it was just a matter of time for this disaster to occur.

Everyone with an inkling of geology or anyone in the corp of engineers, or the city government and state government, KNEW it was just a matter of time before this occurred.

Wasn't there a Mandatory evacuation order issued? Didn't all this start happening just 3 DAYS AGO? Monday all was fine - the storm blew thru - New Orleans was spared - Mississippi state was in big trouble... then the levees gave way....and New Orleans started flooding...

Dang! Even the levees are nearly repaired tonight - CAN'T YOU GUYS STOP BLAMING THE GOVERMENT??? What the heck do you expect???

I suppose if you were in charge and had 'goggles of the future' you could have forseen all this and made the hurricane stop? Forced those people that didn't evacuate out at gunpoint? WHAT Could you have done?

Quit bashing the way things are being handled - I'd like to see anyone be able to do a better job than what's being done - even when the victims are shooting at the relief workers -

If we take anything away from this it's that those of us in earthquake country better have more than 3 days worth of supplies on hand..

If you would like to help, please go to the link below and give something to help. I'm tired of the bashing going on.....
