Posted by John Vidale on July 03, 2005 at 08:30:45:
Completely unreviewed, as far as I could tell. Interesting, but clear the author had little idea what he was seeing. The two peaks in the spectra at .25 and .13 Hz (4 and 7 sec period) are the standard microtremor, which people are now beamforming with California networks to figure out just where along the coast the energy is captured from water waves along the coast. Figure 4 is labeled as though it is both a time series (with events like movement of the storm) and an FFT (lines indicating frequency in mHz), definitely an error. It would have helped if the author had labeled the axis. Long-period (1 mHz, NOT 1-10 Hz, that is a factor of 100 to 1000 different) excitation of the Earth by storms is indeed a hot topic at the moment (see work by Romanowicz, Ekstrom, Tanimoto), but the presentation of the long period energy is simply mysterious. The utter lack of reference to what we already know about storms and seismograms makes it hard to make sense of this work, and it is the author's job to take a first cut at figuring out what his observations mean. Fascinating from several points of view.