Re: Petra; for you
Posted by Petra on April 23, 2005 at 09:32:28:


That's like a cat chasing its tail and going nowhere. Ear specialists don't know anything about earthquakes and geoscientists don't know anything about hearing. From all of the digging around I've done I can say fairly confidently we are hearing ultra low frequency sounds.

And as we are talking about these types of things I'll relay an odd experience I had before the Mettler quake. I was watching TV, though the sound was fairly low as I don't tolerate loud sounds very well and all of the sudden I noticed a vibration starting in my right ear. It escalated into a vibration of my entire ear and the right side of my face near my ear. I could actually feel it with my hand when I touched my face. It lasted for ten full seconds and sounded like a deep hum. The sense of a traveling sound as one gets from ear tones did not happen.

I'm still not sure what that was all about, but my impression was that if it was related to earthquakes it would denote something of a larger order. As to whether it should be assigned to Mettler I don't know. It could be a local event as I don't hear ear tones for large events around here. And I think that is a built in physical safety mechanism because if I did hear them I probably would go deaf for awhile after.
