Most likely occurrance this thread.
Posted by candlestick on January 30, 2000 at 04:10:58:
As I stated it is my belief that the most likely area will be the Los Angeles-San Diego-Ludlum triangle for 6.0 Quake. Next is Ludlum-Cloverdale-Reddland Triangle. Next is San Francisco-San Jose Area. Finally Ludlom to Ridgecrest Area. There could be a domino affect with more than one 6.0 Quake, since some of the faults are interconnected. IE the other quakes caused by Landers. Finally, I have feeling in my belly that there will be a 6.0 quake this area. This year for sure it may not happen in the time frames this thread. Although the ringing in my left ear loudest, right ear softest continues. Even if there has been no past activity. I feel very strongly that these three areas and in between will talk to each other. There is no scientific reason for this prediction, just a deep down gut instinct feeling. Hope this answers your question.