Re: "odd and peculiar people"
Posted by Petra on September 18, 2004 at 09:04:33:


There is such a shortage of women in geo-science that the USGS has program to contact Girl Scout groups to instill an interest in becoming scientists. Most likely because I seem to notice just about everything that everyone else does not see, noticing a lack of women scientists was easy. The majority who attend the AGU are those still working to get their PhD's and are quite young. I've had the urge to take them aside and teach them about changing their wardrobes and increasing the volume of their voices so they don't seem so childlike. Great moments in herstory do not arrive wearing cardigan sweaters and weak voices. The next time you go down an aisle of posters see how many women have posters versus men.

Some people are born teachers and I think Lowell was one of them. He has the patience of Job. Lord knows I tested it a few times and he was always very nice about it. LOL

Our prolonged heat spell has at last broken. We had three weeks of unbelievable heat. Perhaps it is global warming. At long last some decent nights sleep are in the offing.
