Even subtracting out UTC time, making the 5.1 off N. Calif. a yesterday's quake, this quake still misses being a match to the 5MM+ above by one day. At the moment LS is out of critical, but will come right back in a midnight for: 300MS 9/25/96 1/9-17 +9.5 if off Seattle. I did get a very brief ictching yesterday, but thought it too brief to post. >TR-FAR NORTHEAST/+4.6/50% >RS-NORTHRIDGE TO SAN JOSE/4.4/50% >RB ARC - RIDGECREST TO N. GULF OF CAL./+4.2/50% >C L. A. BASIN-SOUTH COAST-/+4.0/+50% >LB-S. CAL COAST NORTH/50% >B- BAJA COAST/5.0/50% >TL-RING OF FIRE/WORLD OUTSIDE OTHER AREAS/+6.3/50% 1/8 7.1 Tonga just came in and matches the above PR in time. I was low in estimating magnitude and off in location...other than one that side of the earth. >TL S RANGE SPIKES IN CRITICAL: Two S-, one S and One S+ (In critical; 12/31-1/8) There was also 6.4 in the Solomons and 6.3 in N. Chile, so that takes care of the Two S-s and either the One S or S+. Only time will tell me for sure, but for the time being I will assign the S+ to the 7.1 quake. TL is now out of critical until 1/11. Or I think so. >For my history and 7.0 matches, July, August and September matches. Follow Ups: ● Re: CRITICAL EQ WINDOWS-West Coast Alert - Diane 12:47:57 - 1/10/2000 (2135) (1) ● Re: CRITICAL EQ WINDOWS-West Coast Alert - Pat In Petaluma 17:59:55 - 1/10/2000 (2136) (0) |