Re: Okay Petra. I Know You Told Me So
Posted by Petra Challus on July 14, 2003 at 18:53:46:

Hi Don,

Frankly, I'm surprised you felt it. I didn't expect that part. But I've told you so, so many times that it seems like old hat now.

I also told you so when the series of 3 5ers happened north of the Queen Charlotte Islands that something was brewing and the NW had better watch out. Then Nisqually happened. And you said, "you told me so."

The interesting geologic past to this area shows that in 1946 there was a quake in Nisqually and also one about a year later in NE British Columbia. So now I look at the recent quake north of the prior Queen Charlotte quakes and I wonder, what's next? Only curious watching will reveal the results. It may take a few months, so keep that in the back of your mind.
