A period of rapid transition |
Hi Canie, The following might help set your mind at ease. What might appear to be “bickering” notes are actually informal communications which are associated with an abrupt and important period of transition. And that transition has some as quite a surprise to me for one. With this earthquake forecasting and earthquake triggering effort I was fairly sure that I was on the right path in the past. But I could not find any solid evidence which I could present to other scientists demonstrating that there is actually a link between earthquake occurrence times and something they themselves could easily measure. Now I believe I have that information. And it is probably now largely a matter of getting it organized in reports with easily understandable formats and circulating it to other scientists who are interested in the subject matter. Out of 1000 scientists who one would think might be interested, perhaps only 1 or 2 will be. But with tens of thousands of scientists around the world who have the ability to do this type of work, there should be at least a few hundred who will get moving on it. They have to be contacted and given the necessary information. And as I have said, your bulletin board is a helpful resource for doing that. Also as I said, this information should be understandable to anyone who has a good high school background in physics. However I will again stress that people need to spend some time studying the material. I myself have been working on it for more than a decade now. And it is a little unrealistic to expect that technical information collected over such a long period of time can be summarized in reports which can be read and understood in just a few minutes. Follow Ups: ● typo correction - EQF 14:31:36 - 5/11/2003 (18664) (0) |