Re: USGS Press Release: Oh Happy Day!
Posted by Petra Challus on April 22, 2003 at 21:49:26:

Hi Canie,

Though the figures are what they are, the good news is that there is news. As we all know, its very hard to motivate people to prepare if they don't have information which informs them they have a need and today's press releases are surely a reminder that we do indeed live in earthquake country.

Plus or minus, and I hate to say this, but if we had a few more fours around the Bay Area, some real motivation might take on a focus by locals. But even with 4's there can be damage, so I don't wish that on anyone.

The last time the Hayward Fault delivered a 4.2 at 4AM it just so happened to be on the day of my dear friends funeral of their son who was only 25. After many nights of not resting to be awakened so early was really horrible timing. But that's EQ's for you, then show up when they darn well please, no matter how inconvenient to us who live on the upper crust.

Thanks for the post, it's very much appreciated.
