Re: let me be the first to say...
Posted by 2cents on January 21, 2003 at 22:20:25:


Not just yet...but I will.

The crux of the matter is that the 'over time' is the problem. If sexual reproductive organs didn't exactly match within the lifetime of the organism then "checkmate"...there weren't no offspring to evolve....

Know what I mean ?

Regarding the eye, all those components had to come together around the same time to function together. Individually they have no value.... How would an evolutionary process retain "useless" sub-pieces of an organ (in just the right shape) until it reached a point where they were suddenly utilized together?


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: let me be the first to say... - Roger Hunter  05:25:54 - 1/22/2003  (17843)  (1)
        ● Re: let me be the first to say... - 2cents  12:42:10 - 1/24/2003  (17862)  (0)