Re: Hydroplate Theory Beats Plate Tectonics Theory?
Posted by 2cents on January 20, 2003 at 12:49:32:


Watt?...So you believe the earth was created 15 Billion years ago (via Big Bang?) whereas Dr. Brown believes it was more like 10000 years ago. In both cases the earth was "created" some mechanism with a time difference of about 15 billion years...give or take.

Hey...what's a few Billion between friends ?

I hope that your words do not haunt you at some point in the future.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Hydroplate Theory Beats Plate Tectonics Theory? - Canie  09:18:26 - 1/21/2003  (17824)  (1)
        ● Re: Hydroplate Theory Beats Plate Tectonics Theory? - 2cents  22:12:49 - 1/21/2003  (17841)  (0)